Family and Youth Ministries
We’re so glad you’ve found this community!
There is a place for you here.
However you choose to get involved, we hope you’ll know how welcome you are—just as you are—and find your fit within this community, to help make the world a better place, together.
Questions about programming for families and youth?
Contact Martha Randy familiesandyouth@cedarparkunited.org
Want to know about baptisms, weddings and funerals?
Contact Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Jones minister@cedarparkunited.org
Children’s Worship
There’s no homework, competition or school-like need to achieve in our children’s worship.
Instead, it’s a place where children can bring their questions, curiosity and imagination to the rituals and stories of our Christian tradition. They’re invited to participate fully in the all-ages worship in the Sanctuary before getting to have their own worship experience either outside in Creation (whenever the weather permits it) or in the Community Hall. Our goal is always to enable children, in their own way, to experience the holy.
Children can also choose to stay in the Family PraySpace towards the back of the Sanctuary where there’s a rocking chair, beanbag and tables with quiet activities for little hands.
Children and families of all kinds are welcome and cherished for the unique expression of humanity that they are.
Youth Spirit Quest
Youth Spirit Quest is where people going through adolescence get to figure out how they can inhabit the world as a spiritual person... (having a human experience).
This 5-session programme is for youth in grades 6 through 11, beginning on September 29 and ending on December 1.
The Youth Spirit Quest will begin in the forest and offer a safe, LGBTQ+-affirming and respectful space for exploring questions (not providing all the answers) around spirituality, ethics, life choices, and identity within the human (and holy) story.
The cost (to cover supplies and food) is $40 per youth. If the cost would keep you from participating, please let us know below as bursaries are available.
Mini Connections Play Group
Our free, drop-in play group is for parents and caregivers and their little ones 0-5 years old. It's a safe, accessible and welcoming space where you can make connections with other grownups and their children.
Most of the time is devoted to free play. Closing songs and circle time begin at around 10:30.
You’re welcome to come for the whole morning or to just stop by for a while. BYO snacks and drinks, and on the first Wednesday of the month, we offer coffee and a mini snack.
Whenever you come, you’re welcome to donate to/take from our
— Comfort Pantry (everyday food goods like soups and pasta, cereal and peanut butter)
— Comfort Food Freezer (frozen meals and cookies/muffins)
—Comfort Closet (gently used kids’ clothes 0-5T/shoes + outerwear + maternity clothes and accessories)
We’re convinced it takes a village, and this is our way of being caring community for each other!