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Healing Pathway Phase 1 Workshop
to Apr 5

Healing Pathway Phase 1 Workshop

The Cedar Park United (West Island) Healing Pathway ministry will be hosting a Phase 1 training workshop on April 4-5, 2025 in the church building.

This is open to anyone wishing to become a practitioner or to refresh their skills, and is open to people of all faiths and spiritual paths.

The Healing Pathway training promotes self-care and assists in restoring wholeness, balance, and harmony at all levels of being – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually through grounding techniques, meditation, and a series of healing sequences. Healing is experienced individually for receivers when an intention is set, and there is a connection to the Divine. The foundation of the program lies in the tradition of healing within the Christian faith but is open to people of all faiths and spiritual paths.

To find out more and register: cedarparkunited.org/caring-ministries/#healingpathwa

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Afternoon Tea Concert for Seniors Jean-Pascal Hamelin

Afternoon Tea Concert for Seniors Jean-Pascal Hamelin

An Afternoon Tea Concert for Seniors — with Jean-Pascale Hamelin

Here's what you can expect:

Tickets are FREE! Space is limited so please register so we can save you a seat.  

Tea will be served in fine china cups and saucers, with a selection of sweets, party sandwiches, cheese and maybe even scones! 

If you are arranging for transportation, please book your drop off for between 1:30 and 2 and your pick up for 3:30.  

This concert is now happily filled. Please email cpu.event@gmail.com in case there are any cancellations.

This is fully funded by a New Horizons for Seniors grant from the Government of Canada.

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Community Connections

Community Connections

Come have soup together and stay to make a difference for others beyond our walls — all in an open, inclusive, multigenerational setting.

Soup lunch: 11:30 AM to 1 PM (pay as you can)

Activities: 1-3 PM (making sandwiches and love notes for Bread and Beyond, knitting Izzie dolls for children in conflict zones, )

Come for a while or stay for the whole time. Let us know how you're able to participate!

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PIE Day on Friday pie-making

PIE Day on Friday pie-making

As an Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Canada, we’re highlighting our commitment to be public, intentional and explicit in our welcome to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities (2SLGBTQIA+) on this special day of the year. 

Come make pies together on PIE Day! We’ll be delivering our pies to the West Island LGBTQ Centre for them to share with the support groups that gather in their space.

Can you make some shortcrust pie pastry and drop it off to the church kitchen between Wednesday and Friday, March 14? Or can you participate in the pie-prepping bee together (9 AM-12 PM and 5-8 PM on March 14)?

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Annual Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting

Every year we hold an annual congregational meeting to review and celebrate the year past and look toward the year to come.

This year, the ACM will take place on Sunday, March 9 from 11:35 AM to 1 PM onsite in the Sanctuary and on Zoom.

If the Cedar Park United community matters to you—please come so your voice can be heard and you can join in the vision for our shared future.

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Healing Wholeness Lenten Study

Healing Wholeness Lenten Study

In this challenging time, too often marked by division, fear, and uncertainty, you are invited to participate in an online Lenten discussion series that will invite us all into a journey of rediscovery—toward a deeper connection with God, ourselves, and others.

Rather than adding to the rancour surrounding us, through the wisdom and reflections of Parker Palmer, we will explore themes of hospitality, grace, and hope as pathways to wholeness in our lives and communities that can help us rise above the discord that is dominating much of life.

Each session will begin with a short video—so you won’t need to prepare anything ahead. They will be led by Ian Fraser, a retired Presbyterian minister who, along with his wife, Catherine, has been worshipping with Cedar Park United for the past year.

When? Thursdays, March 6 - 27

What time? 10-11:15 AM

Where? On Zoom

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Community Pancake Supper

Community Pancake Supper

Cedar Park United and Roxboro United Churches are delighted to be coming together again this year to host the neighbourhood for a pancake supper: Shrove Tuesday, March 4 from 5 - 6:30 PM at 204 Lakeview in Pointe-Claire.

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Afternoon Tea Concert for Seniors with Judy Hung, pianiste

Afternoon Tea Concert for Seniors with Judy Hung, pianiste

An Afternoon Tea Concert for Seniors — with Judy Hung, pianiste, and special guest, violinist Amélie Tao

Here's what you can expect:

Tickets are FREE! Space is limited so please register so we can save you a seat.  

Tea will be served in fine china cups and saucers, with a selection of sweets, party sandwiches, cheese and maybe even scones! 

If you are arranging for transportation, please book your drop off for between 1:30 and 2 and your pick up for 3:30.  

Final date for registrations is Monday, February 24 at noon so we can advise our bakers of how many people we expect at this first Afternoon Tea Concert. 

This is fully funded by a New Horizons for Seniors grant from the Government of Canada.

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Online Connection Time

Online Connection Time

Online Connection Time is an opportunity for folks who worship online to get to know one another a bit better.  It will happen regularly on the last Sunday of the month, on Zoom, and we hope you’ll choose to participate!

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Community Connections

Community Connections

Come have soup together and stay to make a difference for others beyond our walls — all in an open, inclusive, multigenerational setting.

Soup lunch: 11:30 AM to 1 PM (pay as you can)

Activities: 1-3 PM (making sandwiches and love notes for Bread and Beyond, knitting Izzie dolls for children in conflict zones, )

Come for a while or stay for the whole time. Let us know how you're able to participate!

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Saturday Service

Saturday Service

Saturday Service is a chance to make a difference for our neighbours—in community.

We know that people who work and kids at school can't make it to Community Connections, so we're trying this as time for you.

Come for the whole thing, come for part of it—come connect with your Cedar Park United community on a Saturday!   We’ll make comfort kits for people experiencing homelessness (11-12:30) and sandwiches for Bread and Beyond (12:30-2:30). A light lunch will be provided (pay as you can).

please let us know if you’ll be there and how you can help.

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Do I Stay Christian? Book Study

Do I Stay Christian? Book Study

Season 2: Wednesday, January 15 to Wednesday, February 26, 9:30- 11:00 am on Zoom

This book study, facilitated by Revs. Darryl Macdonald (Roxboro) and Elisabeth Jones (Cedar Park), will explore the questions and challenges raised in Brian McLaren’s book, Do I Stay Christian? A Guide for the Doubters, the Disappointed, and the Disillusioned. 

McLaren’s thought-provoking, conversational approach will help us to say out loud the many questions many Christians are asking themselves these days, as we watch the word “Christian” being co-opted to support behaviours and beliefs that seem to be at odds with the life and teachings of Jesus. By sharing in conversation with one another we will see how we as individuals and as faith communities can respond hopefully and creatively to that question.

The study will take place in two seasons, giving ample time for participants to read and reflect on each section of the book in preparation for collective conversation and response. There will also be opportunity for local participants to attend at least one supplementary onsite discussion per season.

The book is available to borrow from some local libraries, and in hardback, e-book or paperback versions from regular outlets. (Note the paperback version is due to come out in November 2024).

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Community Connections

Community Connections

Come have soup together and stay to make a difference for others beyond our walls — all in an open, inclusive, multigenerational setting.

Soup lunch: 11:30 AM to 1 PM (pay as you can)

Activities: 1-3 PM (making sandwiches and love notes for Bread and Beyond, knitting Izzie dolls for children in conflict zones, )

Come for a while or stay for the whole time. Let us know how you're able to participate!

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Christmas Carol Singalong

Christmas Carol Singalong

This free Christmas Carol Singalong brings together singers from both Cedar Park United and Roxboro United, accompanied by Dr. Wayne Johnson.

You can look forward to hearing, and singing along to, some favourite carols, including an especially beautiful arrangement of Breath of Heaven.

Christmas goodies and hot drinks will add to this festive afternoon event.

Come one, come all, to this musical community gathering!

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Community Connections

Community Connections

Come have soup together and stay to make a difference for others beyond our walls — all in an open, inclusive, multigenerational setting.

Soup lunch: 11:30 AM to 1 PM (pay as you can)

Activities: 1-3 PM (making sandwiches and love notes for Bread and Beyond, knitting Izzie dolls for children in conflict zones, )

Come for a while or stay for the whole time. Let us know how you're able to participate!

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Find Your Fit ONLINE Forum

Find Your Fit ONLINE Forum

Find out where it ALL fits when you become part of the Cedar Park United Community. Bring your questions, we’ll offer as many answers as we can and hopefully we’ll all sign off inspired!

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Afternoon Tea Concert for Seniors with Dr. Wayne Johnson

Afternoon Tea Concert for Seniors with Dr. Wayne Johnson

An Afternoon Tea Concert for Seniors — with Dr. Wayne Johnson

Here's what you can expect:

Tickets are FREE! Space is limited so please register so we can save you a seat.  

Tea will be served in fine china cups and saucers, with a selection of sweets, party sandwiches, cheese and maybe even scones! 

If you are arranging for transportation, please book your drop off for between 1:30 and 2 and your pick up for 3:30.  

Final date for registrations is Monday, November 25 at noon so we can advise our bakers of how many people we expect at this first Afternoon Tea Concert. 

This is fully funded by a New Horizons for Seniors grant from the Government of Canada.

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Retirement tea for Elizabeth Chown Lafrenière

Retirement tea for Elizabeth Chown Lafrenière

⛱  So that everyone who wishes to say thank you, goodbye and bonne retraite to Elizabeth Chown Lafrenière   we’re hosting an afternoon “tea and treats” drop-in afternoon on Thursday, November 21 from 1:30-3 PM in the Cedar Park United Sanctuary.

If you know you can't make it in person, there will be other ways to send her your good wishes. Stay tuned for more details!

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Find Your Fit Forum

Find Your Fit Forum

The Find Your Fit Forum is where we hope to grow in understanding of how and where “it” and “we” all fit, with lots of questions, answers, and inspiration.

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Community Connections

Community Connections

Come enjoy a soup lunch (pay as you can) and an afternoon of making a difference for others beyond our walls — all in an open, inclusive, multigenerational setting.

Lunch: 11:30 AM to 1 PM (pay as you can)

Activities: 1-3 PM (making sandwiches and love notes for Bread and Beyond, knitting Izzie dolls for children in conflict zones, painting hope stones...)

Come for a while or stay for the whole time! Let us know below how you're able to participate

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Do I Stay Christian? Book Study

Do I Stay Christian? Book Study

This book study, facilitated by Revs. Darryl Macdonald (Roxboro) and Elisabeth Jones (Cedar Park), will explore the questions and challenges raised in Brian McLaren’s book, Do I Stay Christian? A Guide for the Doubters, the Disappointed, and the Disillusioned. 

McLaren’s thought-provoking, conversational approach will help us to say out loud the many questions many Christians are asking themselves these days, as we watch the word “Christian” being co-opted to support behaviours and beliefs that seem to be at odds with the life and teachings of Jesus. By sharing in conversation with one another we will see how we as individuals and as faith communities can respond hopefully and creatively to that question.

The study will take place in two seasons, giving ample time for participants to read and reflect on each section of the book in preparation for collective conversation and response. There will also be opportunity for local participants to attend at least one supplementary onsite discussion per season.

Season 1: Wednesday, October 30 to Wednesday, December 4, 9:30- 11:00 am on Zoom

Season 2: Wednesday, January 15 to Wednesday, February 26, 9:30- 11:00 am on Zoom

The book is available to borrow from some local libraries, and in hardback, e-book or paperback versions from regular outlets. (Note the paperback version is due to come out in November 2024).

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The Poisoned Tree: A Creative Conversation on Race and Racism

The Poisoned Tree: A Creative Conversation on Race and Racism

Image: Rosy Kuftedjian

Cedar Park United is pleased to be hosting this program as part of our October focus on becoming an antiracist denomination. We are sponsoring the event together with the C. G. Jung Society of Montreal with proceeds going to support the United Church of Canada's Anti-Racism Programme

This is a theatrical performance by Stephen Eddy Snow accompanied with music created and performed by Shelley Snow.

The first part of the program consists of a theatrical performance by Stephen Eddy Snow, entitled “Healing the Poisoned Tree inside of Me,” accompanied with music created and performed by Shelley Snow. Using slides, storytelling, song and dance, the actor personally explores how his own “cultural training,” growing up in a small New England town, shaped an early world view tainted with racism and white supremacy. Through dramatic action and self-reflection, he aims to heal this “Poisoned Tree” that grew up inside of him. His performance intends to authentically answer the very difficult question of “how in my life have I been complicit with systemic racism?”

In the second part of the evening, the audience, divided into small subgroups, will be given the opportunity to explore their responses to this theatre piece and self-reflect on their own relationship to systemic racism. This process will be guided by Shelley Snow, an experienced psychotherapist and music therapist. At the conclusion, the audience will have a chance to ask Stephen Snow about the why and wherefore of his performance.

Tickets are $20 for general admission and $15 for seniors and students and can be purchased on Eventbrite (no tickets will be sold at the door).

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