Minister Search
November 26, 2024
Nominations for Search Team Members
The Governing Board has started the process of forming a search team, which will take on the task of finding the next lead minister for the CPU community. The procedures and policies we are following are set out by the United Church of Canada.
We are asking for suggestions as to who from the Cedar Park United community might be good to have on this search team. Maybe you, or someone you know, could help with this important work as CPU continues to participate in living the Dream of God.
People with these qualities would make good team members:
They have the confidence of the community.
They are engaged with aspects of the community’s life and work (Sunday worship, study groups, Mini Connections, Supper. Together, etc). The team should represent the diverse inclusiveness of the CPU community.
They are able to listen, consult, and discern with people;
They are able to gather and analyze data;
They are willing to talk about faith and what they believe.
They are able to maintain strict confidentiality.
It will be helpful to have someone with a background and skills in human resources management.
We need a few people who can write clearly and follow through with paperwork.
The search team will start their work in early January and over the next 4-6 months, they will receive applications, do interviews, negotiate terms and make a recommendation.
December 17, 2024
Thank you for your nominations—the Board will share more information soon about the formation of the search team.