Food Ministries

Feeding hearts and bellies is core to our identity as a caring community.

From community meals to growing vegetables to share to making sandwiches for the unhoused of our city, we are committed to these food ministries.

Growing produce for our neighbours

We partner with Urban Seedling and the West Island Mission to grow beautiful produce for our West Island neighbours experiencing food insecurity.

Urban Seedling plants the veggies, our volunteers (as part of our Vacation Creation Camp) water and care for the veggies, and teams from the West Island Mission come to harvest every few weeks.

Over the 2023 season, our vegetable garden offered up 6 harvests and the 2024 season appears to be on track to do the same!

Supper. Together.

Come as you are, pay as you can, help as you're able—and enjoy the simple pleasure of eating together in community.

4:30-6:00: "Community Happy Hour" with non-alcoholic drinks and snacks + the option of takeout if you can't stay
6:00: Gathering/gratitude moment before the meal
6:00-7:30: Supper. Together.

Our next Supper. Together. will be on Friday, November 29.

Interested in welcoming, cooking, shopping? Get in touch to let us know how you’d like to help:

Community Connections

Come enjoy a light lunch (pay as you can) and an afternoon of making a difference for others beyond our walls — all in an open, inclusive, multigenerational setting.

Lunch: 11:30 AM to 1 PM (pay as you can)

Activities: 1-3 PM (making sandwiches and love notes for Bread and Beyond, knitting Izzie dolls for children in conflict zones, painting hope stones...)

Come for a while or stay for the whole time. Let us know below how you're able to participate.

Hear why Alice loves to make sandwiches at Community Connections...

Comfort Pantry

In response to the increasing difficult life situations that many are facing, we created a Comfort Pantry in the hallway near the Comfort Food Freezer.

Anyone is welcome to take from the shelves and anyone is welcome to fill the shelves.

Here's what we hope to keep the shelves stocked with:

  • Peanut butter/jam

  • Single-serving snacks (apple sauce, granola bars, juice boxes, crackers, etc.)

  • Pasta/sauce/canned tomatoes/rice/Kraft dinner

  • Breakfast cereal/shelf-stable milk

  • Cans of soup and crackers

  • Period products (pads, tampons, etc.)

This month, the pantry will be accessible on Wednesday, August 21 from 9 AM to noon.

Starting September 4, you can access the Comfort Pantry on Wednesdays and on Sundays from 9:15-10 AM and 11 AM to 12 from Sept. 4.

Comfort Food Freezer

You can find this freezer between the two sets of doors of the church building. It’s there for anyone who needs a meal or a muffin, for whatever reason, and to ensure that CPU can provide nutritious meals to a number of older members who live alone, and to families who could use some food support.

You can contribute clearly labelled and dated, home-cooked, frozen meals in portions for 1, or for a family. You can take a meal when you need one.

This month, the pantry will be accessible on Wednesday, August 21 from 9 AM to noon.

Starting September 4, you can access the freezer on Wednesdays from 9 AM to noon and on Sundays after worship, at about 11:15 AM.