Spiritual Growth

We’re a community that values learning, questions and spiritual growth.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here.

Midweek Midrash

These gatherings are led by Rev. Elisabeth on Zoom (with occasional onsite gatherings as well). All are welcome, whether you’re a seasoned midrasher or you’ve never heard of this way of exploring the Bible.

Simply bring your midrashic imagination as we turn the texts for worship together.

Sign up here and Rev. Elisabeth will add you to her list.

Sunday Worship

Worship is the heartbeat of our community—and the work of the people. We strive to ground our common life in worship that is creative, contemporary, relevant and deeply grounded in the liveliness of God.

On the Worship Archives page, you can access all our worship content in the format that’s best for you—YouTube livestream recordings, Sunday Soul Food mailings or the Cedar Park United podcast.

Joint Spirituality Studies

In this challenging time, too often marked by division, fear, and uncertainty, you are invited to participate in an online Lenten discussion series that will invite us all into a journey of rediscovery—toward a deeper connection with God, ourselves, and others.

Each session will begin with a short video—so you won’t need to prepare anything ahead. They will be led by Ian Fraser, a retired Presbyterian minister who, along with his wife, Catherine, has been worshipping with Cedar Park United for the past year.

When? Thursdays, March 6-27

What time? 10-11:15 AM

Where? On Zoom

Youth Spirit Quest

Youth Spirit Quest is where people going through adolescence get to figure out how they can inhabit the world as a spiritual person... (having a human experience).

This 5-session programme is for youth in grades 6 through 11 and offers a safe, LGBTQ+-affirming and respectful space for exploring questions (not providing all the answers) around spirituality, ethics, life choices, and identity within the human (and holy) story.

Stay tuned for information about the next Youth Spirit Quest.

Faith Discussion Gatherings

From September to June, the Men’s Group gathers for fellowship about once per month.

To find out when the next gathering will be taking place, and where, check the website calendar.

Men’s Group

Faith Discussion Gatherings are scheduled throughout the year and are a place for questions, community and spiritual growth.

To find out when the next gathering will be taking place, and where, check the website calendar.