
Sunday Worship

Onsite, online, together at 10 AM

“Remembering the Body” is our theme for the weeks of the Epiphany Season. After the remembrance of Jesus’ birth, the visit of the Magi, and Jesus’ baptism, the Scriptures now remind us that by God’s grace, we are now called and equipped to live as the Body of Christ in the world, by following the Way of Jesus. 

We get to do this together, in community, God-with-us every step of the Way. Right where we are.

Online worshippers

You’re invited to join in the live chat to worship in online community. A YouTube welcomer will be there to greet you, along with folks from around Canada and the world.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel now so you’ll be ready to join in the conversation on Sunday.

If Sunday’s worship inspires you, you can watch, read and listen to it again on our Worship Archives page.

Onsite worshippers

A reminder that our walkway and indoor spaces are wheelchair accessible.

The Family Pray Space is at the back of the Sanctuary (near the two washrooms) with a beanbag, rocking chair and quiet activities for children of all kinds.

Everyone is welcome to stay after worship for Connection Time, with Fair Trade coffee and tea and cookies.