Worship Archives

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Martha Randy Martha Randy

Sophie’s Choice…Hearing Lady Wisdom

In this reflection from September 15, 2024, Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Jones invites us to lend our ears to “Lady Wisdom.” In today’s Old Testament reading, “Lady Wisdom” cries out from the crossroads in the city, (not from some lofty ivory tower, or majestic temple), and what she cries is often hard to hear. She is forthright, not backing down from hard truths, calling out injustice. How can that possibly be “Good News?” Today’s worship invites us to listen, to hold on tight, and to imagine–and work for–a world where Wisdom’s vision of a world restored to God’s Dream becomes our own.

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Martha Randy Martha Randy

A Pilgrimage, and a Song, and a Gospel, and…

In this reflection from August 25, 2024, Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Jones invites us to consider the final stanzas of the United Church of Canada’s “Song of Faith.” These remind us that we are all “time-bound children of the Timeless One”, called to live as fully as we can in the space between birth and death, with trust and grounded hope in God’s loving, redemptive action in all creation. With such hope, “how can we keep from singing?”

This was the next-to-last summer shared worship pilgrimage with the West Island and Riverside United cluster.

To hear the reading of the Song of Faith that Rev. Elisabeth refers to, head to the YouTube recording.

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Martha Randy Martha Randy

The Work of Worship and the Call to Deep Spirituality

In this reflection from June 23, 2024, Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Jones explores how worship and spiritual practices and discipleship connect us with God, who nourishes and challenges us to shape our collective and individual lives in ways that reflect God’s Dream for Creation.

This is the last in our 4-week series exploring the foundations for our congregation’s ⁠Community Compass strategic plan and vision.

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Martha Randy Martha Randy

God’s Great Idea: There IS enough

In this reflection from June 16, 2024, Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Jones focuses on sustainability as God’s great idea for shaping the way we support our ministries and use our resources to live God’s Dream in community and in the world.

This is the third of four reflections around the key “directions” of our congregation’s⁠ ⁠Community Compass⁠.

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Martha Randy Martha Randy

Adjectival Christianity

In this reflection from June 9, 2024, Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Jones poses the question: What is “Progressive”, and why do we need to be a beacon for it?” One of the answers is clear: to share God’s Good News as widely as we can.

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Martha Randy Martha Randy

Ridiculous Hospitality

In this reflection, Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Jones explores the difference between “being nice” and offering truly radical welcome.

This is the first of four reflections around the key “directions” of our congregation’s⁠ ⁠Community Compass⁠. We hope you’ll be inspired!

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