Listening and Looking Forward

Over the past 2 1/2 years of the CoVid-19 pandemic, so much has changed in our world, in our personal lives, and in the way we connect with our church community.

If we're totally honest, we (the Congregational Board, our minister and staff team) really have no clue what or how to plan for the near and mid-term future for Cedar Park United without being in conversation with you, the members and friends of our faith community.

We've scheduled seven times to have these conversations (see below), where we hope to ask questions and then listen well to the responses, as well as any hopes, dreams, and concerns for our faith community.

Please note the time, location and primary focus for each of these conversations. Then try to attend the one that’s closest to your area of hope/concern/interest. 

To enable us to hear from as many people as possible, we're asking that you limit yourself to one conversation time. If the one you really want to attend is not on a convenient date/time, come to one of the others, so we can hear your concerns and follow up with you later as needed.

Seven Focus Conversations in November

Sunday, November 13

Sanctuary (onsite only)
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM

Focus: General and onsite worship, and ministry opportunities

Tuesday, November 15

10:30 – 11:30 AM

Focus: How we live our commitment to social justice

Wednesday, November 16

7:30 – 8:30 PM

Focus: General (and for people working during the day)

Sunday, November 20

8 – 9 PM

Focus: Parents with children at home + children’s and youth ministry

Tuesday, November 22

Maxwell Seniors’ Residence, 678 Surrey, Baie-d'Urfé, QC H9X 3S1
In-person only*
10:30 – 11:30 AM

Focus: Seniors – needs, wishes and opportunities

*Non-residents are also welcome. Let Terry know you’re coming:

Onsite at CPU and on Zoom (hybrid synchronous)
7:30 – 8:30 PM

Focus: All types of online/digital ministries (global and local)

Tuesday, November 22

Wednesday, November 23

L’Esterel Apartment Complex, 10 Vermont Avenue, Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 6A6
10:30 – 11:30 AM

Focus: Seniors/Adults

While you don’t need to register to participate, you’ll help us prepare better if you let us know.