Overwhelmed by the global and local news right now?
Afghanistan, Haiti, COVID-19, racism…? Thank you! You’re human, your grief and heartbreak are real, it means you care. And you can make a difference. Here’s how
1. Don’t go numb…but do take care of you.
If it’s too much, take a break, turn off the news, and seek out good support and comfort for yourself, so that you’ll be strong enough to…
2. Seek out the helpers. Look for the hope.
Who is helping? What are the stories of hope even in these tragedies? Share the good news stories so that you’re part of the helpful, hopeful response to tragedy.
3. Get involved. Make the difference you can.
Can you donate to organizations that are on the ground, making a difference?
Can you pray? Send letters or cards of encouragement?
Can you support people nearby?
Here are some concrete ways you can be a difference-maker:
1. UNICEF is already on the ground in Haiti. Donations can help with emergency shelter from the earthquake and the hurricane.
2. The United Church of Canada is also working with on-the-ground local organizations to get help to where it’s needed. The UCCan Emergency Relief Fund can use your donation help.
3. Montreal’s Maison d’Haïti is working with Haitian Montrealers to support them as they try to help family members.
1. IRCC International Committee of the Red Cross/Crescent is working on rescue and evacuation. They need financial assistance, and you can offer yours here.
2. Support local refugee organizations by offering your help. Montreal City Mission and Action Réfugiés Montréal are two organizations with whom we have a long-standing supportive relationship.
3. Learn about the Afghan Women’s Centre of Montreal and see how you can support their work.
1. Support either the UNICEF Give a Vax or our own United Church of Canada’s Global Vaccine Justice Campaign to get vaccines, medicines, PPE, and infrastructure support to countries around the world who can’t afford to get these essential supplies and services to their people.
Climate justice and action
1. Educate yourself about hopeful responses to the global climate crisis.
2. Get involved locally to protect biodiverse habitats, become a bee-and-butterfly-friendly household, become a locavore!
3. Never doubt that every single act you make makes a difference.
Racial justice and reconciliation
1. Support the UCC’s work to become an anti-racist denomination.
2. Donate to the Healing Fund, which supports our Indigenous siblings as they bring the children home.
3. Read, and act and educate your families about the lasting legacies of white supremacy, and actions for change.