While on-site programming is suspended

Sunday worship will continue in an online format from January 2, 2022 until further notice.

Check our Events calendar for directions on how you can access and participate in worship each week.

Other programs will continue to use distance technology for their programming.

This includes Midweek Midrash, Men's and Women's Groups, Healing Pathway, KidZoom and NeXt for Youth (check our Events calendar and our Connect page for details).

Our staff have been instructed to conduct their work from home (as they have been doing for most of this pandemic time).

Email is by far the best way to make contact with each staff member, and they will respond during regular working hours.

Church Administrator, Elizabeth Chown-Lafrenière (ECL)


Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Jones


Music Director, Douglas Knight


Family and Youth Ministries Coordinator, Martha Randy


Coordinator, Congregational Care with Seniors, Terry Wiebe


For any pastoral emergencies

Please use cpu.cccs@gmail.com as this will be monitored daily.

You are welcome here