Linda on rest and gardening

(Images: Linda Roberson)

I have discovered gardening as a conscious way to rest and reduce stress. I now tend my plants as often as I used to call my mom, which was a lot. It has become an essential way to start my day. I’ve never been one for meditating, but when I am tending to my little garden, my mind stays in the present and I feel rejuvenated. Gardening has taught me to maintain a sense of peace through the ups and downs of life.

It has also become an essential way to start my day. I used to have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, often lingering longer than I should due to feeling overwhelmed by a long to-do list. Now, as soon as the sun wakes me up, I jump out of bed to see my plants. I am eager to see how they are doing.

Life can bring many unforeseen changes and stress. But gardening has been my constant thing that does not. Learning how to rest has become more precious. It truly requires a conscientious effort to preserve its quality.


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