Paul on living with purpose
(Images: Paul Clarke)
As a teenager in the 1970’s, I was one of the first cyclists who rode on the edge of the road, with motorists honking at me to get on the shoulder or the sidewalk. I would ride my bike to my summer jobs. As my family grew, I would take my kids on short bike trips along bike paths.
I joined Cedar Park United in 2002, and have come to understand our role in God’s world as this: do whatever we can to make this world a more safe, equitable, and harmonious (read heavenly) place for everyone. In 2013, I started working as the director of a small not-for-profit organization that accompanies refugeed people in the Montreal area.
That same year, I heard of the Ride for Refuge: a family-friendly fundraiser, where participants ride a bike or go on a walk, to promote the services of refugee-accompanying organizations. It was a perfect blend of human rights and exercise! Since 2013, I have participated in the Ride, receiving lots of support from the Cedar Park community. Folks have joined, led teams, walked, ridden, and donated! The Ride has shown me that we can build community, raise awareness, have fun, and have an impact on the outcomes of people whose lives have been disrupted by famine, war, and injustice.