Outdoor Projects

We’re transforming our outdoor space…

for the benefit of the Cedar Park United communities and neighbourhood—as well as Mother Earth and all creation.

Here’s how you can participate:

  • Click here to read the plan that the outdoor projects team drew up. It’s exciting to watch the progress that’s already being made!

  • We’re looking for some specific native plants to add to our outdoor spaces. Click here to see the list.

  • Once you’ve looked at the list of native plants, check your garden to see if you have some you could donate.

    If you do, let us know at cpu.opteam@gmail.com so we can coordinate their delivery (we are using the left garden in the courtyard as a “mother bed”).

  • As the projects progress, there will be new tasks that will need to be done. Have a look at current openings to see what could work for you.

    Then sign up here and we’ll be in touch with more details. Check back regularly because the tasks will change. Thank you!

  • We’re grateful to the funders of these outdoor projects: the Erskine American Mountainside Foundation through the Nakonha:ka Regional Council and the New Horizons for Seniors Program through the federal government. description

    Along with the people power of our community, this funding is making so many opportunities possible to create useful outdoor spaces based on Indigenous wisdom—together!

Follow the progress —and be inspired!