Glasses are not “a biblical thing” — but vision is, and how we see, which inspired this choice.
Our ethical action is to collect old glasses and send them where they’re needed through Optométristes sans frontières.
This week, we’ve seen how God looks at us with the eyes of a heart that yearns for us to partner with God in the never-ending work of loving, healing and mending the world.
Some questions for us to ponder so that we too can see the world with eyes of our own hearts, shaped in God’s image:
Who has been a visionary inspiration for you? How have they shaped your life?
How have you experienced someone who sees more in you than you see in yourself?
How will you encourage someone by “seeing them with the eyes of your heart?”
Opportunities to learn
Find out about Optométristes sans frontières and how they prepare your used glasses to be given to others.
Find out about Bonhomme à lunettes, whose mission is to make glasses affordable for all and to prioritize people over profits.
Opportunities to contribute
Bring your prescription eyeglasses to the Cedar Park United church building between March 12 and Easter Sunday.
You’ll find donation boxes in the Sanctuary and Community Hall.