We'll be offering this programme from late April to late June and registration details will be coming soon. You'll find some starter details below (the key point: we'll be doing confirmation differently):
🗣 Teens: The Youth Spirit Quest will take place on site (with some potential cool field trips) together as a group, with food, and some seriously good conversation with Rev. Elisabeth about some “ritual” and "spiritual practice" ideas you can potentially incorporate into your lives.
🗣 Parents: It was once a rite of passage in the United Church of Canada and other protestant churches to hold "confirmation classes" for young to middle teens. Kids were then "confirmed" in their baptismal faith, and considered "members" of the UCC. SO MUCH has changed about church and everyday life, the place of religion in society, etc.—but at their core, teenagers haven't. It's a perfect age to get them together in a safe, respectful space, so that they can explore spirituality, ethics, life choices, and identity within the human (and holy) story.