Irene and Joan on finding their fit
Sometimes it's a friend who helps you find your fit. As part of our month of focusing on finding your fit in the Cedar Park United community, and discovering ways to share your unique gifts, today we share the story of Joan and Irene.
Irene was initially drawn to the Cedar Park United community through the Healing Pathway ministry and then realized she had found "a wonderful caring peaceful space to join." Some years later, she invited her friend Joan to come along with her to worship. Joan did, and the fit was immediate: she joined her friend for worship again…and again...and again.
In 2023, the two friends became Creation Counsellors together as part of our Vacation Creation Camp. They harvested vegetables together for the West Island Mission de l'Ouest de l'Île and painted some of the birdhouses that have since become our iconic “Houses for Hope” outside the doors to the church building. Joan said it brought her spirits up so much to participate in the garden activities with people of all ages. Over the past winter and spring, the duo served as the smiling faces that welcomed people to Supper. Together. and Wednesday Community Connections. Then, over the summer, they travelled all around the West Island to experience shared worship together with the West Island and Riverside United Churches cluster.
Joan recently said that when she comes into the sanctuary at Cedar Park United, she feels like she’s come home. What a beautiful sentiment! And it’s in great part thanks to her friend Irene, who lived out this community's radical welcome by extending that first invitation.
Joan and Irene, you are beautiful pieces of our community puzzle! Thank you for showing us all how this community can nourish friendships, too.