Richmund on finding his fit
As part of our focus on finding where you fit in the Cedar Park United community and making a difference in your own unique way, Richmund shares how he ended up here when Pointe-Claire South is not at all the neighbourhood (or continent!) he grew up in.
“So originally, I’m from Ghana. And I came to Canada on 26th July 2023. And when I came, I visited about two churches—one a local church, a Ghanaian church, and one a Presbyterian church. That’s my home tradition—Presbyterian. I started my search shortly after I arrived because for me, faith is important. Religion is important. So I quickly had to find somewhere to belong. And then I started searching.
I’d told my minister in Ghana that I was coming to Canada and she recommended that I find a community in the United Church of Canada. So I went online and I Googled “United Churches near me” and that’s how I found Cedar Park United. I looked all through the website, had a good look at everything, and then one Sunday, I came to worship. I wanted to physically be in the worship space and feel what it was like.
I remember hearing the hymns fill the sanctuary and they reminded me so much of my church back home and I was like, “Ahhh, yes.” The sermon really resonated with me, too, and it just felt like the right place. So I came back a few weeks in a row until finally, I knew I wanted to belong there, wanted to make it my church home, so I asked how I could serve, how I could help.
First I got to help in the kitchen during the family Advent event, and I really enjoyed that. I also set up chairs in the sanctuary with Ernie, who’s a teacher, and since I’m a teacher, too, that made for good conversation. It was good to connect with others in the community that way.
Then, when I’d been around for quite a few months, I’d brought my laptop to worship so I could help a friend work on his CV, and that ended up starting a conversation with Peter, the Treasurer, about my own skills. One thing led to another and when the Treasurer stepped down, he asked if I’d consider taking on that role. I was like, wait—I always think it’s important to take time to think things through first—and I gave it some thought, and I gave it some prayer and decided that yes, I could serve this community that way. So I became a member of Cedar Park United and have been in the Treasurer role since March.
For me, being part of a community of faith is about serving. It’s about offering whatever gifts we have. And to the question of whether it feels like I’ve found my fit here—it’s a big yes, I have, and I plan on sticking around. I plan on staying here for as long as possible.”
Thank you, Richmund, for sharing your story—and your gifts. You've brought such an important piece to our community puzzle!