Beni on finding his fit
As part of our September invitation to find where you fit in the Cedar Park United community and to make a difference in your own unique way, Beni shares his story of why—and how—he’s stayed connected with this community over the years.
“Well, first thing, it's so close, so it's easy for me to get here and back. Second thing, it's good to socialize and I really enjoy meeting new people and being together with people that I already know. Third thing, I've been coming here so long and been active in this church so long, it just makes sense for me to show up and be present.
My experience of church here is that it’s not just about Sunday mornings—it’s about coming together at other times, meeting new people and helping out—giving back to the community and doing what you can to help your neighbours.
I started coming here when I was a kid, when my parents brought me to F4—the community suppers. From when I was like 4 to maybe 9, until the pandemic. I have happy memories from then—when we'd go up on the stage with RevE and Martha and we’d all say something that we're grateful for. And the jobs I got to do, like being in charge of the kids’ play area and rolling those huge rolls of brown paper down the tables. That was fun.
So I guess you could say that those were kind of like touchstone memories and when I became a teenager, I wanted to come back, to be the person who welcomed people to Supper. Together. So I did—I was at the door and I showed people around the space and to their tables, and to the gratitude wall. I decided to put my time towards the church because it's cool what they're doing, how they're helping other people and how they're coming together and socializing around meals and stuff.
And I know that I can be myself here—that I can offer what I have to offer. Like this summer, I started mowing the lawn all around the church building and I know they trust me to do a good job, and it's been so cool to do this. I trust the people in this community to let me be me, just like I am. I trust them.”
Beni is another unique and irreplaceable piece in our community puzzle, and we’re so grateful he chooses to show up and be present, just like he is!