Cedar Park United’s funding works on teamwork.
Thank you for giving what you can, giving from the heart, and giving your piece—it matters!
Ways to give
Scroll down for details about ways to donate money
By credit card, Google Pay or PayPal
By e-transfer
By donating securities
By making a bequest
By cheque or cash
Every donation is welcome, and monthly donations of any size are especially helpful as they allow our finance team to plan for the coming year. Thank you for giving your piece!
Onetime and monthly donations via Canada Helps
Onetime and monthly donations via e-transfer
If you're already donating each month by PAR (a monthly pre-authorized bank transfer), or would like to, let us know here.
Otherwise it can be done through the banking app on your phone to administrator@cedarparkunited.org
Cheques (in Canada)
204 Lakeview Ave., Pointe-Claire, Quebec H9S 4C5
Donating securities
Click here or contact the treasurer.
Leaving a legacy with a bequest
Please contact: treasurer@cedarparkunited.org
Donating cash in worship
At the back of the Sanctuary, you’ll find a transparent donation box where you can put your cash donations when you’re onsite for worship.
Invest in our grand piano
Cedar Park United has invested in a fully refurbished 6 foot 2 inch Steinway, from the 1920 Golden Era.
Let's enjoy this wonderful instrument without the burden of debt. Your donation(s) or pledge are important in whatever amount you feel comfortable giving. Thank you.
Here's how to donate what you can, when you can:
Choose the Grand Piano option when you make an online donation via Canada Helps.
Send an e-transfer to administrator@cedarparkunited.org
Onsite, use a grand piano donation envelope at the Donation Station in the back of the sanctuary. Consider designating your gift in memory of someone or in thanksgiving.
Mail a cheque to Cedar Park United Church, 204 Lakeview Avenue, Pointe-Claire, QC H9S 4C5
Pledge how much you would like to give over the next 6 months: administrator@cedarparkunited.org
Thank you for your support.
We’re grateful to know that you value Cedar Park United, and thank you for supporting the life and work of this community as we seek to be a strong voice for love and justice onsite and online, in our neighbourhood and around the world.