Leadership and Governance

It takes team work to make God’s Dream work—here’s the Cedar Park United team!

Please use this email for all pastoral care concerns: congregationalcare@cedarparkunited.org

Do you need some online tech support around worship? tech@cedarparkunited.org

As a United Church, we are led, or governed, by volunteers who are elected to serve on our Congregational Board.

The Board is responsible for the strategic planning and oversight of our programmes, ministries and budget. It is where, together, we engage in holy conversation about how we live the Dream of God.

If you feel called to serve the community of Cedar Park United as a member of the Board, please reach out to Rev. Elisabeth (member ex officio) or the Board Chair, Elsa Dondenaz.

Community Compass Team Leads

Our Community Compass was developed by the Congregational Board to chart Cedar Park United’s journey forward, being a progressive beacon, offering welcoming, vibrant, creative and relevant Christian ministry to all its members, participants, visitors, and neighbours wherever they are, onsite or online.

To contact any of the team leads, please use this email address: communitycompass@cedarparkunited.org

  • Richard Bastien

    Worship and Spiritual Life

  • Margrét Kristjansson

    Worship and Spiritual Life

  • Norman Jones

    Progressive Beacon

  • Heidi Simmons

    Radical Welcome

  • Peter Forton



Jeannie Blevins

Stephen Cheasley

Cameron Fortin

Bill Harvey

Terry Taylor

Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Jones (chair ex officio)

Voluntary Associate Ministers

Rev. Wendy Evans

Rev. Cathy Hamilton

Annual Meetings

To find out more about the previous years’ work of the Board together with this community of faith, visit the Annual Congregational Meeting pages from 2025, 2024, 2023.

Board Minutes

To read copies of the minutes from previous Board meetings, visit the Board Minutes page. Please contact our Church Administrator (administrator@cedarparkunited.org) for the password.