My piece matters!
What piece are you able to invest in the work of our community this year?
Cedar Park United’s funding works on teamwork. While none of us is told what our piece of the ministry budget is, the ministry is properly funded when we add all our pieces together and the total is sufficient.
As of December 20, we have met 79% of our collective target ($240,000) for local ministry donations for 2024.
We hope this page will be helpful as you figure out what your household’s piece will be. Thank you for giving what you can, giving from the heart, and giving your piece!
Quick Links
See this vibrant community at work
This 3.5-minute video gives you a good overview of the past few months, and highlights that can happen when everyone invests their individual pieces in this community.
Together we are making a difference in individual lives and in the world!
Why do I give?
We all have our own story when it comes to giving time and money to support the things we value.
This is Richmund’s answer to this simple (yet profound) question.
What’s yours…?
Already giving? Thank you! Here’s today’s ask…
If you’re already giving, thank you SO MUCH.
As 2024 comes to a close, please consider:
Making a one-time gift in 2024 so that together, all our pieces are sufficient to fund our amazing ministry for 2024
And increasing your monthly support for our ministry in 2025 (just fill out the form below)
Onetime and monthly donations can also be done by e-transfer through the banking app on your phone
How your money works at Cedar Park United
When you donate to Cedar Park United you become part of a group of about 150 households who fund its important work towards the Dream of God.
This work, described in our Community Compass Update, is done by a dedicated group of people, some of whom are paid, and many who volunteer their time (you may have “found your fit” and be one of them), using Cedar Park United’s building, its equipment, technical infrastructure and other assets. The money goes to the paid people, the upkeep of the building and to other purchases for the mission. The total budget for investment in its mission for 2024 is about $380,000.
Some money comes from renting the building to others, but most of the money comes from donations like yours. The target in the budget for local ministry donations in 2024 is $240,000. What piece of that are you able to invest in the work of our community this year?
The Cedar Park United community is made up of all sorts of people at all stages of life, with widely varying life and financial circumstances. Some families who have higher disposable income or accumulated assets take a $5,000 to $10,000 share or more. Others with less at their disposal take a smaller share as their piece. (About 50% of this comes back to them in the form of a donation tax credit.)
It is important that your contribution is meaningful to you within the context of your own financial circumstances and reflective of how you value our community’s work towards the Dream of God. It is also important that the sum of all our individual contributions is equal to or or greater than the amount needed to fund its collective mission, which this year is $240,000.
The community evolves each year. At the end of each year it is normal for us all to reconsider “what is my piece?” as we adapt to deaths, people moving away, new arrivals, community growth, changes in demographics, changes in society and, of course, changes in our own personal financial circumstances.
It may take several rounds of asking and reporting back to the community, to get the right combination of pieces of the right size to meet the overall $240,000 target for local donations this year.

“Church lingo”
If you’re new to Cedar Park United, or church spaces in general (or if you’ve just always wondered!), you may find these extra explanations helpful. And if you have more questions, please just reach out!
You can make a bigger impact by donating securities and mutual funds! A donation of securities or mutual fund shares is the most efficient way to give charitably. With a donation of securities or mutual funds, capital gains tax does not apply, allowing you to give more and avoid paying capital gains taxes.
Click here for a Canada Helps explanation of the benefits of donating securities.
Please email treasurer@cedarparkunited.org for help with this.
These are the financial contributions from all of us which are used for the general mission of Cedar Park United and the biggest income line in our financial statements.
There are some other donations from the community which are specifically designated, by the donor, for other purposes such as the United Church’s Mission and Service Fund or to pay for the new Steinway piano.
This is a fund administered by the United Church of Canada’s national office which supports social justice initiatives within and outside the United Church of Canada, in Canada and across the globe.
Many monthly donors use this system to automate their support for the ministry throughout the year. PAR stands for pre-authorized remittance. To set up a pre-authorized bank transfer, please fill in this form and provide it with a sample cheque to the church administrator. Your monthly support can also be done through a recurring monthly e-transfer from the bank app on your phone or other device to administrator@cedarparkunited.org
Monthly support is helpful as the ministry happens year-round.
Cedar Park United is a registered charity and for donations over $25 you will receive a donation receipt.
With that donation receipt you can claim a donation tax credit in your individual tax return for the year.
Once your cumulative donations in the year exceed $200, you will get a tax credit at the top marginal rate (even if you do not have significant income). For residents of Quebec this tax credit (combined for federal and provincial tax returns) is slightly over 50% of the donation amount.
If your cumulative donations in the year are less than $200, the donation tax credit is a smaller percentage of your donation.
A bequest is a gift that you decide to put in your will (last will and testament), which becomes active when you die.
What you decide to do with your assets upon your death is sensitive and personal. There are many considerations including providing for loved ones, preserving wealth, reducing taxes and leaving a legacy.
You can leave a living spiritual legacy for the future by continuing to fund the ministry of Cedar Park United through a bequest. If you would like more information please contact treasurer@cedarparkunited.org
Ways to give
Scroll down for details about how to donate:
By credit card, Google Pay or PayPal via Canada Helps
By e-transfer
By donating securities
By making a bequest
By cheque or cash
Every donation is welcome, and monthly donations of any size are especially helpful as they allow our finance team to plan for the coming year. Thank you for giving your piece!
Onetime and monthly donations via Canada Helps
Onetime and monthly donations via e-transfer
If you're already donating each month by PAR (a monthly pre-authorized bank transfer), or would like to, let us know here.
Otherwise it can be done through the banking app on your phone to administrator@cedarparkunited.org
Cheque (in Canada)
204 Lakeview Ave., Pointe-Claire, Quebec H9S 4C5
Donating securities
Click here or contact the treasurer: treasurer@cedarparkunited.org
Leaving a legacy with a bequest
Please contact the treasurer: treasurer@cedarparkunited.org
Donating cash in worship
At the back of the Sanctuary, you’ll find a transparent donation box where you can put your cash donations when you’re onsite for worship.