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Do I Stay Christian? Book Study

  • Cedar Park United Church 204 Lakeview Ave. Pointe-Claire, Quebec Canada (map)

This book study, facilitated by Revs. Darryl Macdonald (Roxboro) and Elisabeth Jones (Cedar Park), will explore the questions and challenges raised in Brian McLaren’s book, Do I Stay Christian? A Guide for the Doubters, the Disappointed, and the Disillusioned. 

McLaren’s thought-provoking, conversational approach will help us to say out loud the many questions many Christians are asking themselves these days, as we watch the word “Christian” being co-opted to support behaviours and beliefs that seem to be at odds with the life and teachings of Jesus. By sharing in conversation with one another we will see how we as individuals and as faith communities can respond hopefully and creatively to that question.

The study will take place in two seasons, giving ample time for participants to read and reflect on each section of the book in preparation for collective conversation and response. There will also be opportunity for local participants to attend at least one supplementary onsite discussion per season.

Season 1: Wednesday, October 30 to Wednesday, December 4, 9:30- 11:00 am on Zoom

Season 2: Wednesday, January 15 to Wednesday, February 26, 9:30- 11:00 am on Zoom

The book is available to borrow from some local libraries, and in hardback, e-book or paperback versions from regular outlets. (Note the paperback version is due to come out in November 2024).

October 25

The Poisoned Tree: A Creative Conversation on Race and Racism

November 13

Community Connections