In this challenging time, too often marked by division, fear, and uncertainty, you are invited to participate in an online Lenten discussion series that will invite us all into a journey of rediscovery—toward a deeper connection with God, ourselves, and others.
Rather than adding to the rancour surrounding us, through the wisdom and reflections of Parker Palmer, we will explore themes of hospitality, grace, and hope as pathways to wholeness in our lives and communities that can help us rise above the discord that is dominating much of life.
Each session will begin with a short video—so you won’t need to prepare anything ahead. They will be led by Ian Fraser, a retired Presbyterian minister who, along with his wife, Catherine, has been worshipping with Cedar Park United for the past year.
When? Thursdays, March 6 - 27
What time? 10-11:15 AM
Where? On Zoom